That the vacations are over is unfortunately a bitter certainty. The only solution is to drink to it so here is today’s recipe, dedicated to my friends to whom I have long promised a super mulled wine that, for one reason or another I haven’t prepared yet… sorry!!!
1 tbsp Assam
75 ml of red wine (better a Sangiovese)
a handful of cloves
zest of two oranges
zest of one lemon
four cinnamon sticks
four tablespoons of sugar
Heat 500 ml of water and steep the Assam for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, flavor the red wine with the spices (cloves, cinnamon, orange and lemon peel) and sugar. Put everything on the heat and stir regularly. Once it comes to a boil, add the tea, stir and ignite the liquid (watch out for the mesh sleeves!!!).
When the flame has died down, your mulled tea will be ready. Strain and serve hot.